How To Secure Your Property, After The Highburton Crime Spree

As reported in ExaminerLIve, the months of August and September saw a spate of crimes in the Highburton area, resulting in several vehicles being stolen, and three teenagers were arrested.

The 3 teen criminals utilised the early morning cover of darkness to conceal their crimes and used blow torches to melt the locks of doors to break into homes and hunt for car keys to steal. Cars that were stolen include a BMW and a Mercedes.

West Yorkshire Police said that 3 teen males from Bradford were arrested in connection to the crimes but have since been released from custody. Two of the criminals were bailed and the third was released under investigation.

Residents told Examiner Live how they were fearful that the area was becoming a target for the crime after they witnessed cars and homes being peered into during the day.

Detective Sergeant Michael Smith of Kirklees CID said in response:

“We fully understand residents’ concerns, particularly when there is a rise in such offences within a specific area. A vehicle is usually one of the biggest investments people make in their lives and having a vehicle taken can be a traumatic experience.

“I would like to reassure people that we take all reports of burglaries seriously and will investigate each incident thoroughly. This can involve examining CCTV, conducting house to house enquiries and looking at forensic opportunities. We will also provide crime prevention advice to those affected and neighbouring properties.

“Likewise, we undertake focused patrols in the community affected in order to deter further crimes from being committed.”

So, what can residents do right now to avoid being the next victim?

  • Install exterior security lighting

The criminals used the early morning darkness as a cover to commit their crimes. By installing security lighting the criminals will be disturbed and put off from committing the crime.

  • Install Exterior CCTV

Along with the security lighting, install high quality, HD CCTV to capture video evidence of the criminals. Even if the crime didn’t happen, vital footage of an attempted break-in will prove useful in any following police investigation. Most exterior CCTV systems have built-in night vision, but a paired with a security light the quality of the footage will be greater and far more detailed.

  • Install an Alarm System with Door and window shock sensors

In the recent spate of break-in’s the criminals used a blow torch to gain access into the homes of residents. If a security alarm was set, the homeowners would have been alerted to their criminal presence before they gained entry.

  • Keep Valuables out of sight

The most basic way to protect your home and belongings is to keep all valuables away from any entry points, such as windows and doors. Criminals usually target properties after seeing something valuable to steal.


Studies have shown that it is unlikely for a break-in to occur on a whim. In a recent study, interviewed criminals said that they would calculate the risk a property poses to the success of the crime prior to completing the crime. If security systems are visible and are indicated to be working, the interviewed criminals said that they would not go through with the crime as the risk of getting court would be heightened.

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