Empty Building Security

We understand that the renovation of a building in any capacity can often lead to extended periods of time where the building is left unoccupied.

However, we have recognised that the issue with leaving a building un-occupied leaves the building extremely vulnerable to targeted attacks such as arson, theft and vandalism. However, with simple security measures such as flood lighting, CCTV, Fire and flood detectors in place, the risk of criminal violation can be reduced significantly.

Technology can be integrated on site and viewed remotely to help keep your building safe and secure from those around it even if your property has no internet or power thanks to portable internet devices and power outlets.

As reported in the Huddersfield Examiner, “Kirklees sits at the top end of 276 councils across the UK with high numbers of empty properties – totalling more than 214,000 nationally. There are 2,113 in the borough. Of these, 722 have been empty for two years or more, 270 for five years or more and 117 for at least 10 years”.

Within another report made by Health and Safety International, it is stated that as a property owner you should implement your duty of care to your property, your investment and your own peace of mind by reducing risk, preventing problems and protecting your property.

Alongside the use of obvious protection that can act as deterrents to would be criminals, It is also advised to always communicate with neighbours and local services, such as police, fire and local council, to inform them that the property is vacant. Always organise a regular schedule of inspection and checking, to be carried out by yourself or by a trusted person, preferably a professional.

To help keep your property safe, Northwest security are proud to offer a great range of products from the top brands when it comes to security.

Contact us today to find out more.